Artisan Square On behalf of the City of Sanford Public...
Read MoreThe next Art In Chambers Exhibit will be the Seminole County Printmakers, on display December 6 – May 9, 2022. The City’s Art In Chambers is open for public viewing 15 -30 minutes prior to all City Public Meetings held in the City Commission Chambers. The Commission Chambers is located on the first floor of City Hall 300 N. Park
- Artists can submit their name for inclusion to the City’s Call to Artist list by emailing
- Mural Artists can submit their name for inclusion to the mural artist’s list by emailing
Mural installed at 1017 Historic Goldsboro Boulevard during the Annual Goldsboro Front Porch Celebration on Historic Goldsboro Boulevard.
For more information about the City of Sanford Public Art Programs please contact Public Art Commission Staff Liaison, Lisa Holder, Chief Communications and Cultural Affairs Administrator or 407-688-5019.
Public Art Installations
Employee Art Gallery Exhibit Opening
Please join the City of Sanford at our first exhibit...
Read MoreMayor’s Gallery
Mayor’s Gallery On behalf of the City of Sanford Public...
Read MoreUtility Box Art
Bringing Art to the Streets of Sanford The City of...
Read MoreSculpture Walk
About the Work Discover a one-of-a-kind outdoor art experience in...
Read MoreSeagulls on the Riverwalk
About the Work Installed on the RiverWalk located near the...
Read MoreChainsaw Art
Mark Rice, Tree Artist completed his chainsaw artwork in front...
Read MoreMural Program
Fire Department Mural Recognizing the 150-year dedication of the Sanford...
Read MoreHistoric Georgetown Stained Glass Art
Nine historic churches are located within the Historic Georgetown Neighborhood....
Read MoreArt In Chambers
Art in Chambers is a rotating art exhibit on display...
Read MoreMayor’s Gallery
On behalf of the City of Sanford Public Art Commission,...
Read MoreVirtual Art Exhibits
Learn more about featured artists through our “Virtual Art Events” by way of an opening and/or closing virtual reception. The virtual art event is live streamed on the City’s YouTube channel where the videos are permanently located. The public can learn about the city’s art exhibits long after the exhibits are taken down.
View Live Virtual Art Exhibit
Please join us for a Virtual Art live reception at City Hall
Playlist of Virtual Art Exhibits
Applications for a
Public Work of Art
The Public Art Commission meets on the fourth Tuesday each month at 3pm. To be placed on an agenda, a completed application must be submitted two weeks prior to the meeting date.
If the public work of art being proposed is on private property, the property must be in compliance with no open/active code enforcement violations. Public works of art on private property requires one meeting and approval by the public art commission. If the public work of art is proposed on public property or city right of way, additional staff reviews are necessary as well as approval by the Public Art Commission and City Commission.
You will need to complete the following steps for a Public Art application:
- Complete the application and upload the concept and any additional information
- Artwork design
- Size/dimensions and materials
- Location to be installed and method of installation
- Artist information
Pop Up Art Submittal Process
Apply Online
Pop up art does not require approval by the Public Art Commission, but an application for pop up art must be submitted and reviewed by staff for a time/place/manner approval. Approvals for pop up art expire two weeks after issuance. Pop up art can only be on display for seven (7) days and requires the execution of an art easement prior to installation.
You will need to complete the following steps for a Pop Up Art Project:
- Select apply Now under Permitting
- Select Public Art Application for the application type
- Select Pop Up Art Project as the sub type
- Complete the form and upload the following:
- art design concept with dimensions
- site plan showing the location to be installed
- the manner the art will be installed/mounted/displayed
- signed/notarized affidavit of ownership (attached)
Other elements to be considered:
- Any installations indoors are not required to be included as part of the pop up art application unless displayed in windows as signage.
- Pop-up art will not be approved at locations with active code enforcement.
- One application for all locations will be adequate; Two separate applications will be required for the 2-week timeframe proposed.
- A list and/or map identifying each location by address will be beneficial
Apply Online
Public Art Commission
The Public Art Commission is responsible for making recommendations to the City Commission regarding advocating for the program and the process and procedures that guide the acquisition and care of public art; identify and pursue additional sources of funds relative to the promotion of public art in the City; inform the public regarding public art including opportunities for public participation in all phases of the City’s public art process; promote the visual arts of the City and the State of Florida and inform and work to increase understanding within the City about the purposes and meaning of public works of art using methods such as art outreach education, media and social events. Contact Lisa Holder for more information at (407)688-5019
Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 3 PM, in the City Commission Chambers, located at 300 N. Park Avenue, Sanford, FL 32771. City residency is not required to serve on the Public Art Commission.
Public Art Commission Meetings
Public Art Commission Members
CaSandra D. Williams
Ms. Williams is a native Floridian, she was born and raised in Sanford, a 1975 graduate of Seminole High School. Her training and experience spans more than 30 years, both domestically and abroad, where she has been engaged in developing and overseeing family services.
CaSandra is a 16 year Law Enforcement Veteran, (Sgt.) retired from the State of Florida and a Non-profit Management graduate of the Edyth Busch Institute at Rollins College. She has served as a Resident Missionary in Ghana, West Africa and through the Family Islands of the Bahamas. Upon returning to the US, she completed a 3 year term as an Americorp, National Service Member with The Heart of Florida United Way. During her term, she served as VISTA Leader and helped to coordinate Mentoring programs throughout Public Schools in Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties.
CaSandra continues to use her diverse experiences and knowledge as a lifelong Community Advocate with an Anti-poverty agenda. She seeks to find innovative solutions to meet challenges in underserved communities. She is a Documentary Photographer, and Entrepreneur, Owner and Operator of NonStop Images and Travel, LLC and Park Drive Gallery in Sanford. She currently serves Seminole County Public School’s Family Engagement program, as Coordinator for The Midway Safe Harbor Senior Citizen Initiative. The mother of two extraordinary women, 4 grandchildren and 5 greatgrandchildren, CaSandra resides in Sanford, continues to travel and writes about her experiences.
Sally Dehler
Sally is a lifetime artist. She has trained in acrylic painting, oil painting, portraiture, fluid painting, watercolors, sketching, pastels, charcoal, and ceramics. Her work is inspired by her life experiences, travel, and nature. She is passionate about art and enjoys sharing this through shows and teaching. She has shown at Lake Mary- Heathrow Festival of the Arts and Cranes Roost/Uptown Altamonte Art Festival as well as numerous smaller shows in Orlando, Lake Mary, Longwood, and Sanford. Her work has been displayed at City Arts Gallery – Orlando, Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center- Sanford, Park Drive Gallery – Sanford, Advent Health Art of Healing – Altamonte Springs, and Hollerbach’s Art Haus-Sanford. Before Covid her work was for sale in local Artisan Boutiques in Lake Mary and Sanford. She teaches both private and group painting lessons and offers mobile painting parties. With over ten years teaching experience her classes receive rave reviews.
Kimberly House
Kim House has been a longtime advocate for the arts in Sanford. She has been a professional clay artist for over 30 years having taught many art mediums from her art studio and gallery. A dedicated volunteer, she is a co-founder of the St. Johns River Festival of the Arts, the Historic Sanford Welcome Center and the Sanford Alive After Five.
City Commissioner Patrick Austin
Commissioner Austin’s family has been involved in the Sanford community for over 50 years. Mr. Austin is a proud graduate of Seminole High School (SHS) and a 27-year veteran of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. He has volunteered for three decades at SHS and spent the last 18 years as the Booster Club President. Mentoring young men and women, raising money for academics, the arts, athletic programs, and serving the Sanford community are his greatest passions.
Mr. Austin is a leader and a problem solver. His combined years of service to our community and in law enforcement have provided him with a broad view of our community.
Mr. Austin has dedicated his time to volunteering in the Sanford community across many years, serving 4 years on the Central Florida Zoo Board and 3 years on the Seminole County Tourism Development Council where he currently serves as Vice Chair.
In addition, he is a past board member of the Seminole County US 17-92 Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). Most recently, Mr. Austin is the board Founder and President of the Jeff Triplett Youth Sports Foundation.
Mr. Austin has led fundraisers for families in the Sanford community who have struggled to pay for medical and funeral expenses, as well as those who have lost everything in fires and storms.
“By serving the citizens of my hometown, it is my honor and privilege to make Sanford the best it can be.”
Commissioner Austin is supported by his wife Marnie and his two grown children Parker and Sawyer.
Virginia Poe (Chairman)
Virginia Poe is a 30 year resident of Seminole County. Virginia has had a career in the graphic arts/publishing industry and holds a Bachelor of Design from the University of Florida. She recently has taken drawing, painting and printmaking classes at Seminole State College. Virginia is a working artist with a studio in Historic Downtown Sanford and site on the Board of Trustees for the Polasek Museum & Sculpture Gardens in Winter Park. Virginia is also a member of the Florida Cultural Alliance which liaisons with the Florida Legislature.
Reggie Santilli (Vice-Chairman)
Reggie Santilli is a graduate of Stetson University. A resident of DeLand, she has served on the board of trustees for the Museum of Art, past president of museum, board of Fall Festival of Arts, ECHO, steering committee of public arts in DeLand and the Volusia County Cultural Council.